Student Operations Department Staff
Director of Student Operations
Angela Allen
Phone number- 956-657-2843
Assistant Director for Student Operations
Lisette Hinojosa
Phone number- 956-688-5434
Coordinator for Student Data/PEIMS
Alan Ruiz
Phone number- 956-688-5406
Secretary for Student Operations
Irene Zamora Barreiro
Phone number- 956-632-3625
Bookkeeper for Student Operations
Maria Suchil
Phone number- 956-971-4466
Instructional Materials Processor
Jose Garces
Phone number- 956-632-5269
Data Specialist for Student Data and PEIMS
Jesus Saucedo
Phone number- 956-657-3315
Specialist for Student Data and PEIMS
Mary Flores
Phone number- 956-657-3640
Specialist for Student Enrollment and Attendance
Diana Nicanor
Phone number- 956-657-3641
Specialist for Student Schedules and Grades
Frank Lozano
Phone number- 956-657-3642