About McAllen ISD Special Education

We believe...
All special needs students are general education students first.
Individual needs, not labels, programs, or places drive decisions for special needs students.
A full continuum of services is assured for all special needs students.
Quality educators hold high expectations and have a growth mindset for all special needs students.
Special need students are the shared responsibility of school leaders, staff, parents, students, and community.
All special need students will be in positive learning environments guided by engaged and qualified teachers and staff.
Communication, collaboration, and cooperation are essential to the provision of quality services for special need students.
The delivery of quality curriculum and instruction empowers special needs students to be meaningfully connected to educational experiences.
McAllen ISD is a district that provides instructional, behavioral, and related services for students with disabilities. Our staff members are dedicated to providing exceptional and individualized services to students. According to both federal and state law, the goal of special education is to help students with disabilities become as independent as possible as they move through the grade levels. Furthermore, the law requires each student become employable, if possible, when they leave the public school setting. This may include opportunities to pursue post-high school education, employment, and community living. Each program and service provided through special education is devoted to these goals.
The special education department is not able to reach these goals alone. We value the partnerships we have built with our parents/guardians in this effort. We encourage all visitors to navigate through our resources within this site. If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to any of the service providers at your child's campus or call our office (956)632-3285.