Anonymous Reporting
The McAllen Independent School District has a responsibility to conduct its affairs ethically and in compliance with the law, and we are very proud of our employees and the high quality services we provide to the community. In order to ensure that we maintain and improve on the quality and integrity of our services, it is important that we provide employees and the public with various methods to express concerns. The McAllen Independent School District encourages the public and employees to reach out to the Internal Audit Department. The public and employees are provided with an opportunity to express concerns such as but not limited to:
Theft of District resources (e.g. cash, equipment, supplies or materials)
Falsification of financial records to cover up theft or embezzlement
Falsifying payroll information
Misuse of District equipment or property
Misuse or waste of District resources, including government funds
Improper activities by District officials, employees or contractors
Soliciting or accepting a bribe or kickback
Conflicts of interest
Should anyone feel they have witnessed or come across any of the item(s) listed above of concern that they wish to communicate they may contact the Internal Audit Department at: (956) 632-8442, McAllen Police Department: (956) 632-8768 and in emergencies please contact 911.
All information provided to the McAllen Internal Audit Department, and Police Department will be kept confidential. Callers may remain anonymous.