Our Mission:
The McAllen ISD Bilingual/English as a Second Language (ESL)/Foreign Languages Department supports the district's mission and Strategic Plan in assuring all emergent bilinguals receive an equitable educational opportunity that addresses the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs according to federal regulations and state policy.
McAllen ISD ensures emergent bilinguals participate in academically challenging programs that respect and build upon the unique cultural and linguistic attributes they bring to the learning community.
McAllen ISD serves students of many language backgrounds including:
Department Spotlights / Aspectos destacados del departamento
5th Grade Dual Language Students Earn High School LOTE Credit
¡Felicitaciones a los treinta y tres estudiantes de lenguaje dual que obtuvieron el crédito de preparatoria de Español I al final de 5º grado por su participación en el programa de lenguaje dual! Los estudiantes actuales de sexto grado fueron reconocidos durante una reunión de la mesa directiva del distrito el 27 de febrero de 2025, por obtener crédito de Español I de la escuela preparatoria como parte de su participación en el programa de lenguaje dual. ¡Estamos muy orgullosos de ustedes!
Congratulations to the thirty-three dual language students that earned a high school Spanish I credit at the end of their 5th grade participation in the dual language program! Current sixth grade students were recognized during a Special Board Meeting on February 27th, 2025, for earning high school Spanish I credit as part of their dual language program participation. We are very proud of you!

2024 RICE University TAPIA Dual Language Camp
Fossum MS dual language students and teacher enhanced their knowledge and skills in STEM related content, received mentorship from college students and faculty, and built community with each other during the 2024 Summer Tapia Camp. We’re happy to congratulate Abel Gomez and Addison Tapia for their outstanding performance during this camp!
Los estudiantes y maestra de lenguaje dual de Fossum MS aprendieron más sobre STEM, recibieron tutoría de estudiantes universitarios y profesores, y construyeron una comunidad entre ellos durante el Campamento de Verano Tapia de 2024. Nos complace felicitar a Abel Gomez and Addison Tapia por su destacado desempeño durante este campamento.

2024 UTRGV Torneo de ortografía Champions
Congratulations to all our "McAllen ISD torneo de ortografía 2024" finalists and "UTRGV torneo de ortografía" champions!
¡Muchas felicidades a los finalistas del Torneo de ortografía 2024 de McAllen ISD y los campeones del Torneo de ortografía 2024 de UTRGV!
1st Place - Preparatoria (HS), Leilany Carballo, Memorial HS, Sponsor- Mrs. C. De Leon
1st Place- Secundaria (MS), Joaquin Martinez, Cathey MS, Sponsor-Ms. Varela
4th Place - Secundaria (MS), Katia Rodriguez, Fossum MS
2nd Place - Intermediate (4 & 5 Grade), Mia Sophia Martinez, Alvarez ES, Sponsor- Joanna Vargas

5th Grade Dual Language Students Earn High School LOTE Credit
Current sixth grade students were recognized during a Special Board Meeting for earning High School Spanish I credit as 5th grade dual language students for meeting the required criteria.
Los estudiantes actuales de sexto grado fueron reconocidos durante una reunión especial de la junta directiva por obtener créditos de Español I de preparatoria como estudiantes de lenguaje dual de quinto grado por cumplir con los criterios requeridos.

2023 RICE University TAPIA Dual Language Camp
Fossum MS dual language students were able to learn more about STEM, receive mentorship from college students and faculty, and build community with each other during the 2023 Summer Tapia Camp. We’re especially happy to inform you that Sophy Medellin’s outstanding performance “Carbon Storage and Capture” earned 1st place.
Los estudiantes de lenguaje dual de Fossum MS pudieron aprender más sobre STEM, recibir tutoría de estudiantes universitarios y profesores, y construir una comunidad entre ellos durante el Campamento de Verano Tapia de 2023. Nos complace especialmente informarles que el destacado desempeño de Sophy Medellín en “Almacenamiento y Captura de Carbono” obtuvo el 1er lugar.

2023 UTRGV Torneo de ortografía Champions
McAllen ISD had 24 students competing at the UTRGV 2023 Spanish Spelling Bee at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley on April 1st. Join us in congratulating Francisca Alvarez Elementary 3rd grader, Mia Martinez, who won 1st place in the Primary Category & Lamar Academy Junior Arianna Guzman who won 1st in the High School Category!
McAllen ISD tuvo 24 estudiantes compitiendo en el UTRGV 2023 torneo de ortografía en español en la Universidad de Texas Rio Grande Valley el 1 de abril. ¡Únase con nosotros para felicitar a la estudiante de tercer grado de la escuela primaria Francisca Alvarez, Mia Martínez, quien ganó el primer lugar en la categoría de primaria y a Arianna Guzman, estudiante de tercer grado de la Academia Lamar, quien ganó el primer lugar en la categoría de preparatoria!

2023 NABE Being Bilingual Essay Winner
Congratulations to 3rd grade Dual Language student Andrea Rodriguez from Sanchez Elementary! She won first place in the Elementary School Level for the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) 2023 Being Bilingual Essay Competition. She will read her essay in both English and Spanish at the NABE 2023 Awards Luncheon, February 24, in Portland, Oregon.
Andrea was invited to Washington, D.C. by Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz, Representative of the 15th District. On February 7th, during General Speeches-One Minute, she spoke on the House Floor to recognize Andrea's achievement for winning the national essay competition for being bilingual.
What an honor and way to go Andrea! Your abuelito is so proud!

RGV TABE Student Recognitions

Congratulations to 5th grade Dual Language student Michelle Torres from Fields Elementary! She was recognized at the RGV-TABE conference as the winner of the Elementary Christmas Card! Thank you Ms. Trdla, Ms. Gaytan, and the amazing Fields staff!

Rocío Nava
Director for Bilingual/ESL and Foreign Languages Department
1601 North 27th Street Portable #13
McAllen, TX 78501
Office: (956) 618-7338
Fax: (956) 657-5360