The Business Office institutes and operates a governmental budgeting system that provides financial information to both external users and internal management. This information is used to monitor the expenditure of public funds and to ensure that the financial transactions of the School District are conducted in accordance with State regulations and local policies.
The financial goal of the District is to have a sufficient fund balance to be able to maintain fiscal independence in case of a financial need or crisis. The District’s purpose in the presentation of the budget data is to improve the quality of information provided to the Board of Trustees and the community.
Budget Documents -for fiscal years 2011 through 2025
ASBO Awards School District for Excellent Budget Presentation
ASBO International’s MBA and introductory Pathway to the MBA programs promote and recognize excellence in school budget presentation. Program participation enhances school business officials’ skills in developing, analyzing, and presenting a school system budget. Participants submit their budget documents to a panel of school financial professionals who review the materials for compliance with the MBA Criteria Checklist and other requirements and provide expert feedback that districts can use to improve their budget documents.
Districts that meet the stringent program requirements may earn either the MBA or Pathway to the MBA (Pathway). Pathway is an introductory program that allows districts to ease into full MBA compliance.
“Presenting a budget that is both accessible and accurate is crucial for school districts to clearly communicate and build trust with their communities,” explains Jim Rowan, CAE, SFO, ASBO International Executive Director. “The Meritorious Budget Award program provides districts with the resources and tools to do just that, and the districts that receive the award are recognized for their commitment to upholding nationally recognized budget presentation standards.”
The Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) is pleased to inform that McAllen Independent School District’s budget has received the Meritorious Budget Award (MBA). This award reflects your District’s commitment to sound fiscal management and budgetary policies. McAllen ISD is proud to announce that we have received the Meritorious Budget Award for the eighth time.