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College, Career, and Counseling


About Us

It is a policy of the McAllen Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of sex, handicap, race, color, or national origin in its educational and vocational programs, activities, or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504 and Title VI, and will take steps to secure the lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational and vocational programs.

Our Mission

The guidance and counseling department provides guidance and support to all students in order to promote social emotional development, academic success, and post- secondary, military & career evolvement.

Our Vision

The guidance and counseling program focus in increasing students’ emotional intelligence, academic effectiveness, college, career & military readiness, and skills in personal health.


The comprehensive school counseling program is an integral part of a school district’s total educational program. It is developmental by design and includes sequential activities organized and implemented by school counselors with the active support of parents/guardians, teachers, administrators, and the community. As a developmental program, it addresses the needs of all students by facilitating their social/emotional, academic, and career development, helping create positive and safe learning climates in schools, as well as helping students feel connected to school and to a caring adult. At the same time, the program assists students as they face issues and resolve problems that prevent their healthy development.


Norma CabreraCollege/Career/Counseling Director
(956) 618-6098

Estella Rhyne -Secretary to College/Career/Counseling Director
(956) 618-6098

Adrian Garza - Family Treatment Program Manager
(956) 688-5427

Connie Caballero - Social Services Case Manager
(956) 632-3235

Jose Soto - Student Assessment Coordinator
(956) 657-6096

Sylvia Aguilera - Pregnancy Related Services Teacher
(956) 618-6098


College, Career and Counseling Department

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