Social Studies Curriculum Overview
The state curriculum defines the scope of our taught curriculum as dictated by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Course content is taught through the application of critical-thinking skills including: analysis of information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.

Elementary Social Studies
The Social Studies curriculum goes beyond knowledge and skills with content surrounding: History, Geography, Economics, Government, Citizenship, Culture and Science, Technology and Society.
Kindergarten: In Kindergarten, the study of the self, home, family, and classroom establishes the foundation for responsible citizenship in society. Students explore state and national heritage by examining the celebration of patriotic holidays and the contributions of individuals.
First Grade: In Grade 1, students study their relationship to the classroom, school, and community to establish the foundation for responsible citizenship in society. Students develop concepts of time and chronology by distinguishing among past, present, and future events.
Second Grade: In Grade 2, students focus on a study of their local community by examining the impact of significant individuals and events on the history of the community as well as on the state and nation. Students begin to develop the concepts of time and chronology. Students continue to acquire knowledge of customs, symbols, and celebrations that represent American beliefs and principles.
Third Grade: In Grade 3, students learn how diverse individuals have changed their communities and world. Students study the effects inspiring heroes have had on communities, past and present. Students learn about the lives of heroic men and women who made important choices, overcame obstacles, sacrificed for the betterment of others, and embarked on journeys that resulted in new ideas, new inventions, new technologies, and new communities.
Fourth Grade: In Grade 4, students examine the history of Texas from the early beginnings to the present within the context of influences of North America. Historical content focuses on Texas history, including the Texas Revolution, establishment of the Republic of Texas, and subsequent annexation to the United States.
Fourth Grade students are able to enrich their learning of Texas History through our partnership with Museum of South Texas History which includes an annual field trip and related engaging lessons.
Fifth Grade: In Grade 5, students survey the history of the United States from 1565 to the present. Historical content includes the colonial period, the American Revolution, the establishment of the U.S. Constitution and American identity, westward expansion, the Civil War and Reconstruction, immigration and industrialization, and the 20th and 21st centuries.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Elementary Social Studies
Middle School Social Studies
The curriculum of each Middle School Social Studies course is based on the following strands: History, Geography, Economics, Government, Citizenship, Culture, Science, Technology and Society, and Social Studies Skills.
Courses of Study include:
6th Grade: Contemporary World Cultures
7th Grade: Texas History
8th Grade: US History: Early Colonial Period through Reconstruction
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Middle School Social Studies
High School Social Studies
The Social Studies Program in High School includes the instruction of vertically aligned courses and curriculum standards (TEKS). The curriculum of each High School Social Studies course is based on the following strands: History, Geography, Economics, Government, Citizenship, Culture, Science, Technology and Society, and Social Studies Skills. Advanced opportunities for Social Studies education is available and includes the study of Psychology, Sociology as well as IB, Pre AP and AP courses.
General Social Studies Course Sequence for McAllen ISD
9th Grade: World Geography
10th Grade: World History
11th Grade: US History Since 1877
12th Grade: US Government AND Economics
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for High School Social Studies