
The State of Texas HB 3489 has mandated that parents have access to see what their child views on their devices. This also benefits teachers because GoGuardian allows teachers to create active learning experiences, supports student engagement, keeps students focused, keeps students safe, assesses student programs and allows teachers to communicate with students.

GoGuardian allows district level monitoring and content filtering on the device, both during the day at school and off-campus as well. Administrators can search for student browsing reports, website information, Google Docs information, and Google App usage. Administrators use GoGuardian policies for content filtering rules that can be applied to groups of users. These policies contain block or allow rules for Websites, Categories of Websites, Youtube Videos, and Chrome Apps and Extensions. In addition, GoGuardian Smart Alerts identify unfiltered explicit content and self-harm related behavior and notify administration immediately.

GoGuardian Parent

GoGuardian Parent provides Parents and Guardians with the ability to pause their children's internet, block specific websites, and schedule internet availability on managed devices. These features have no guaranteed functionality on personally owned, unmanaged student devices. Parents must have a valid email in Skyward.

GoGuardian Parent App Instructions (English & Spanish)

GoGuardian How to use it video

GoGuardian Video with Spanish subtitles

Need tech help?

Contact or stop by your child’s campus

Elementary parents: 7:45 – 11:45 am M-F

Secondary parents: 8 am – 5 pm M-F

GoGuardian Teacher

Visit the Digital Learning YouTube channel for how-to videos.