McAllen ISD Leads the Nation - America's Healthiest Schools
April 10, 2020 - Seventeen McAllen ISD schools submitted their Alliance for a Healthier Generation (AHG) award application for Silver by designated deadline. Award announcement will take place in early May.
MAY 2019 BREAKING NEWS!!! The Alliance for a Healthier Generation (AHG) announced that all of our McAllen ISD schools that applied for the the SILVER award have earned during the 2018-19 school year earned the award! This marks the 6th consecutive year that all our McAllen ISD schools have attained a AHG Award! McAllen ISD has the most Silver schools in the U.S.A. NOTE: McAllen ISD schools not on this year's list received awards last year in the two-year phase of award...
Check out what McAllen ISD Superintendent Gonzalez, Texas Senator "Chuy" Hinojosa and CEO for the Alliance for a Healthier Generation Dr. Howell Wechsler have to say about the McAllen ISD Health and Physical Education programs:
Brian McClenny, Athletic Director

McAllen ISD Leads the Nation - America's Healthiest Schools
District Initiative - Coronavirus = PE Distance Learning
About Us - Philosophy and Mission Statement
McAllen ISD P.E. Department Initiative: Let's Move McAllen - McAllen Kids Marathon
Department Initiative - Alliance for a Healthier Generation (AHG)
Department Initiative - I Can Do It!
Department Initiatives - Cross Country, Track/Field Activities
Department Initiative - Physical Education Showcase
Partners In Excellence - Physical Education (PIE-PE)
Wellness Policy + Wellness Regulation