Retention, Distribution, and Destruction of Records / FERPA

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Request for Records

The special education department observes federal and state laws, state regulations and local policies pertaining to the confidentiality of student records. Parents (or an eligible student 18 years or older) may inspect and review records at request. School officials with a legitimate educational interest have access to student records. The parents of a student with a disability must give written consent before a student's record can be seen by someone not involved in the student's education.  If the student transfers to another school district, special education records will be sent to the receiving district without parental consent.

Parents Requesting ARD Copies

Parents may request copies of their child's Special Education Records by filling out the form below and contacting us in person or by telephone. Parents (or an eligible student 18 years or older) may inspect and review records at request. A request for records made by a parent and/or adult student should be shared with the student's contact teacher or Special Education Department (956) 632-3285. Please allow 2-4 business days for the copy request to be processed and completed.

Destruction of Records

Special education eligibility and educational records are maintained for five (5) years following the date of the last recorded action for each student served by the Special Education Department of McAllen ISD, such as the student's graduation, dismissal from special education, or withdraw date. At the end of five years, public notification will be posted and records will be destroyed. 

Formal records requests can be addressed with Student Services Division.

Open Records Request