State Assessments
Assessments for Students with Disabilities
The Texas Assessment Program is a statewide testing program that includes STAAR©, STAAR Spanish, and STAAR Alternate 2. In addition, online embedded supports (i.e., content and language supports, oral administration via text-to-speech, and spelling assistance) are available on STAAR for eligible students. Information about these embedded supports and other designated supports can be found on the Accommodation Resources webpage. Information about the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) appears on a separate website.
If your child’s ARD Committee determines that accommodations are necessary for your child to participate in state assessments, the IEP must contain a statement of those accommodations. Accommodation information is available at:
Students Receiving Special Education Services
The admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee makes educational decisions for a student with a disability, including decisions related to state assessments and decisions related to graduation requirements as described in Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §89.1070.
Students will take STAAR with or without allowable accommodations.
Review the participation requirements for STAAR Alternate 2 for students with significant cognitive disabilities who access the grade-level Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) curriculum through prerequisite skills.
English Language Learners
Students are required by TEC §28.025(c) to meet all curriculum requirements and assessment graduation requirements in order to receive a Texas high school diploma. For students receiving services under section 504 or special education services, the language proficiency assessment committee (LPAC) is required to work in conjunction with the applicable committee above in making and documenting accommodation decisions.
Related Resources
Find links to additional resources below:
Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) Assessment Resources
TEA Section 504 Information: (512) 463-9290
Children who receive special education services will take the appropriate state assessments which are based on grade-level content, with or without accommodations as determined by your child’s ARD committee. For information on Accessibility Features, Designated Supports, and Designated Supports requiring TEA approval, please visit the following link:
About McAllen ISD Special Education
Organizational Chart & Vertical Alignment
Notice of Destruction (Special Education Records)
Aviso de Destruccion (Registros de Educacion Especial)
Parent Resources and Transition
Retention, Distribution, and Destruction of Records / FERPA
Supplemental Aids / Graphic Organizers for the Classroom
Regional School for the Deaf (RSD)
How Do I Refer my Child to Special Education?