S.T.R.I.D.E.S. 18+ Program

Workforce Ready- Education and Training
Community Bridging- Community Experiences and Employment
Care Connections- Daily Living Skills and Related Services-Agencies
Criteria for STRIDES:
Must be age 18+
Must be high school credit complete
Must be State Assessment complete
Must participate with graduation ceremonies with their cohort
Must be in need of additional employment skills
The courses offered at STRIDES provide students with knowledge of the prerequisite skills for general employment as well as the means of obtaining those skills. The ability to acquire and maintain gainful employment begins with the general employability knowledge and skills students learn while enrolled in STRIDES.
Employability skills are those foundational skills necessary for obtaining, keeping, and succeeding in a job.
Employability skills include fundamentals of social skills, teamwork, dependability, organization, and work ethic, as well as maintenance of personal appearance and grooming.
Includes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that allow employees to get along with their co-workers, make important work-related decisions, and become strong members of a work team.
These courses are designed to guide students in obtaining the knowledge and the needed employability skills that are transferable among a variety of jobs and careers and are considered essential in any employment situation.
Students will learn and apply basic knowledge of what is expected in the workplace.
Students will build on these abilities by developing critical time-management, organization and study skills.
STC Certificates Offered at STRIDES:
Students will explore the options available in higher education, and in partnership with South Texas College, students will have the opportunity to participate in the following coursework, earning Adult Continuing Education certificates for valuable job skills in today's competitive job market. Students will develop the specific strategies necessary to achieve their personal and professional goals, particularly post-secondary goals.
Successful completion of the program earns students a certificate, supporting students in the pursuit of quality and lifelong education opportunities through career preparation, career pathways, customized corporate training, professional education and development, professional conferences, and personal enrichment courses.
Fundamentals of Cake Decorating and Advanced Cake Decorating
Prepares students for entry-level cake decorator jobs in bakeries or cake shops or to establish their own business. Topics include a variety of icing, piping, and designing leaves and flowers for cakes, pastries, and cookies.
Silk Floral Design and Advanced Silk Floral Design
This course prepares students for entry-level florist jobs in floral shops or to establish their own business. Topics include working with artificial and natural flowers and determining the angle of arrangements, designs, and placements.
Introduction to Photography and Intermediate Photography
This course includes Instruction in camera functions, types of lenses, choosing recording media and filters, flash photography, printing, exposure, production, print finishing, and retouching.
Other Adult Continuing Education Certificates offered include:
Basic Sewing
Intermediate Sewing
Introduction to Customer Service
Intermediate Customer Service
Dining Services I
Dining Services II
ServSafe Manager
Beginning Computers
Cooking Healthy
Child Care
About McAllen ISD Special Education
Organizational Chart & Vertical Alignment
Notice of Destruction (Special Education Records)
Aviso de Destruccion (Registros de Educacion Especial)
Parent Resources and Transition
Retention, Distribution, and Destruction of Records / FERPA
Supplemental Aids / Graphic Organizers for the Classroom
Regional School for the Deaf (RSD)
How Do I Refer my Child to Special Education?