Supplemental Aids / Graphic Organizers for the Classroom

Here are a few examples of supplemental aids and graphic organizers that may be utilized for classroom instruction. Students should be familiar with utilizing any accommodation that is specifically identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP). Please keep in mind that the general education and special education teacher should work collaboratively to identify the most appropriate and effective aids to provide for the student.
Reference material contribution: McAllen ISD, Edinburg CISD, San Antonio ISD, and Johnson City ISD.
About McAllen ISD Special Education
Organizational Chart & Vertical Alignment
Notice of Destruction (Special Education Records)
Aviso de Destruccion (Registros de Educacion Especial)
Parent Resources and Transition
Retention, Distribution, and Destruction of Records / FERPA
Supplemental Aids / Graphic Organizers for the Classroom
Regional School for the Deaf (RSD)
How Do I Refer my Child to Special Education?