UIL Extracurricular Policy
The First Reading of a policy change impacting extra-curricular activities took place at last night’s Board meeting. Starting with the 2019-2020 school year, only students who are enrolled in McAllen ISD schools will be allowed to participate in the District’s highly recognized extra-curricular programs, like athletics and fine arts. This change would eliminate liability to the District. McAllen ISD students who participate in athletic activities are covered by the District insurance program. Those who are not registered are not insured.
McAllen ISD has been recognized nationally as a “Best Community for Music Education” for seven straight years. Every year, our students have earned All-State honors in music. The District’s Scholar-Athletes are recognized to an astounding degree, with nearly 30 signed to compete at the intercollegiate level in one year alone. McAllen ISD students have earned state championships in cheerleading, powerlifting, wrestling, robotics, chess, and mariachi. Scholar athletes have competed at the state level in swimming, diving, soccer, golf, tennis, track & field, and cross-country. That means our students compete at the state or intercollegiate level in all 15 of our sports!
All students in the region are welcome to register through our District’s Open Enrollment designation. Students who are currently participating in McAllen ISD extra-curricular activities while attending another school district are encouraged to register to attend McAllen ISD so that they can continue participating with our extra-curricular teams, in compliance with UIL regulations.
If you have questions about this change, please contact Athletics Director Brian McClenny at 618-6089 or Fine Arts Director Debra Loya 618-6085.