Sofia Salvo, a student in McAllen ISD's International Baccalaureate Programme at Lamar Academy, has organized a blood donation drive as a student project.
The drive is called Give Thanks. Give Blood. It will be from 2-6 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 14, at Vitalent Center (1400 S. 6th St.) in McAllen.
All donors will receive a free anitbody test.
"Being inside these last eight months, I have experienced the pandemic through the worry of keeping my grandparents safe from Covid," she said. "When I learned that donating plasma helps victims of the pandemic, it was something that I knew that I wanted to get involved with to help those who cannot help themselves."
This blood donation drive is Sofia's CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) Project which is a core requirement for earning the IB Diploma. She also competes in track and swimming for McAllen Memorial High.