Way a go Unicorns!!! Congratulations to 2020-2021 Century Club Readers who earned 100 AR Points! Goooo Unicorns!!!🦄💜 https://youtu.be/G4nuJHBwTh8
almost 4 years ago, Rosie Campos
Century Club Readers
I'm so excited to share with you this year's Garza Virtual Talent Show. Please click link below to open google slides. Then click the name of each child on the slides to watch the videos. Enjoy! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XYZ8vhAKjcZP5HjBHU-L59Hhajt8bMbUx5VtMhpxucQ/edit?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Jesus Cervantes
REMINDER- Early Release Friday 5/28/21
almost 4 years ago, Jestina Castillo
early release
Good morning Garza Community! Click the link below to see our KUNI83 NewSTEAM share our daily announcements. https://youtu.be/GnskngbvTyI
almost 4 years ago, Jesus Cervantes
Good morning Garza Community! Click the link below to see our KUNI83 NewSTEAM share our daily announcements. https://youtu.be/g7-0zHO25bI
almost 4 years ago, Jesus Cervantes
Good morning Garza Community! Click the link below to see our KUNI83 NewSTEAM share our daily announcements. https://youtu.be/D5o-YsN7seI
almost 4 years ago, Jesus Cervantes
Friendly Reminder: Awards Assemblies for 2nd and 3rd Grade students are tomorrow, Tuesday, May 25th. Please check your teacher’s Class Dojo for more information and zoom link.
almost 4 years ago, Rosie Campos
2nd Grade Awards
3rd Grade Awards
If you have broken iPads or iPads that need repair, please return them on Thursday, May 27th. These devices will be repaired over summer and returned to students next year. In addition, we will be collecting devices from 5th grade: iPads with Apple chargers and Hotspots with charger.
almost 4 years ago, Rosie Campos
Collection of Devices
Good morning Garza Community! Click the link below to see our KUNI83 NewSTEAM share our daily announcements. https://youtu.be/wTyE5LOEm48
almost 4 years ago, Jesus Cervantes
Attention PK and 1st Grade Parents: Friendly reminder your child’s Awards Assemblies will be held tomorrow. Please check the teacher’s Class Dojo for zoom link.
almost 4 years ago, Rosie Campos
1st Grade Assembly
PreK Assembly
Good morning Garza Community! Click the link below to see our KUNI83 NewSTEAM share our daily announcements. https://youtu.be/kUicnvT_Mak
almost 4 years ago, Jesus Cervantes
💙 Rowe Class of 2021 Football - Garza Elementary 🦄 Alumni 💙 I am super proud of you, boys!!! I must also add, three of these boys were in my 5th grade class!!! I can’t wait to see you at graduation! ~Mrs. Valenzuela 💜🦄
almost 4 years ago, Mrs. Valenzuela
former unicorns 🦄💜
Hats Off to a BRIGHTER FUTURE 🧢 👒 Career Week (Wednesday)
almost 4 years ago, Jestina Castillo
Dress like a BOSS! 👔👗👜💼 Career Week (Tuesday)
almost 4 years ago, Jestina Castillo
We’re outta this world 🌎 🚀 Career Week (Monday)
almost 4 years ago, Jestina Castillo
https://youtu.be/gdKynjkIqTk Garza Elementary 🚀 Launched Career and College Readiness Week
almost 4 years ago, Jestina Castillo
Good morning Garza Community! Click the link below to see our KUNI83 NewSTEAM share our daily announcements. https://youtu.be/3cQ2aF5mlIk
almost 4 years ago, Jesus Cervantes
Let's join Dr. Gonzalez today, at 3:00 pm LIVE for Supertalks Episode 34. Lets represent our Garza community by commenting and tagging Reynaldo Garza - McAllen ISD. His discussion points will be regarding the Champion Project, Focus 5,6, and 7. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/mcallenisd/posts/10159055682540049
almost 4 years ago, Mirna Salazar
Good morning Garza Community! Click the link below to see our KUNI83 NewSTEAM share our daily announcements. https://youtu.be/IQ2PUNfzZKg
almost 4 years ago, Jesus Cervantes
Career & College Readiness Week at Garza Elementary. Dr. Avila has organized an eventful day filled with STEAM activities. Thank You to everyone who was a part of this event and especially our Garza Elementary Alumni guest speakers. 💙🦄
almost 4 years ago, Jestina Castillo