Happy Friday, Pioneers! Today we would like to spotlight one of our first grade pioneers. She had her first basketball game of the season and showed the true meaning of grit and grace! Way to make us proud! Keep up the great work! #drpabloperezelementary #pioneerpride #gritandgrace #mcallenisd #ib
over 2 years ago, Esther Espitia
The mission of Destination Imagination (DI) is to inspire and equip youth to imagine and innovate through the creative process. We are looking for creative Pioneers to join our teams! Click on the link for more information on the program: https://youtu.be/dntLYGIXAdU
over 2 years ago, Esther Espitia
Destination Imagination
Our Dr. Pablo Perez Pioneer community stands with the Uvalde community as they return to school. #UvaldeStrong #drpabloperezelementary #perezpioneers #MISD #Texas #IB
over 2 years ago, Esther Espitia
Our pioneers started their day with a fantastic Friday morning assembly led by our fabulous assistant principal, Mrs. Garcia! Pioneer! Pioneer! Pioneer pride! https://animoto.com/play/UK07FkxjqjpGer50wwHeAw #drpabloperezelementary #perezpioneers #mcallenisd #friday #ib
over 2 years ago, Esther Espitia
Our pioneers are communicators when they express their thoughts and feelings with music! #drpabloperezelementary #mcallenisd #perezpioneers #mcallenisd #finearts #ib https://animoto.com/play/KAt8KdvGr0UoDdAB0eQ5XQ
over 2 years ago, Esther Espitia
Thank you @mcallenisd for the healthy and nutritious meals for our students!
over 2 years ago, Esther Espitia
Our 1st grade pioneers are learning all about kindness through self expression and communication! #drpabloperezelementary #pioneers #IB #MISD #finearts #firstgrade
over 2 years ago, Esther Espitia
1st grade
First grade
Our kindergarten pioneers had a great morning full of fun and literacy! https://animoto.com/play/GDE060DZsHDTiuW6P5zVLA
over 2 years ago, Esther Espitia
Kinder Sep 1
Our PioneersĀ  exercised their mouse skills by playingĀ "Where is the mouse?" at the computer lab today! #drpabloperezelementary #perezpioneers #mcallenisd #computers
over 2 years ago, Esther Espitia
Whereā€™s the mouse
Our first grade pioneers loved inquiring in the science lab this morning! #drpabloperezelementary #perezpioneers #science #mcallenisd #stephaniebeltran #inquiry #ib
over 2 years ago, Esther Espitia
Thank you @scienceMISD for making Science come alive @perezpioneers @McAllenISD #ScienceRocks #gritandgrace #PioneerPride
over 2 years ago, Veronica Delgado
Mrs. Beltran
Perez Elementary is proud to announce that WE ARE AN "A+" CAMPUS! Incredibly proud of our Perez staff and students!
over 2 years ago, Sharon De Groot
Perez Elem. "A+" campus
Please join the Perez Elementary PTO for the 2022-2023 school year! Click on the link to join: https://join-the-pablo-perez-pto-today-copy.cheddarup.com/
over 2 years ago, Sharon De Groot
Join Perez PTO
Welcome back, Perez Pioneers! Meet the Teacher is on Wednesday, August 17th from 5:30 to 7:00. PK/Kinder camp is on Thursday, August 18th. See you there!
over 2 years ago, Sharon De Groot
Meet the Teacher 2022-2023 school year
Pioneer Nation, please help us give a warm welcome to our newest Pioneer, our new Assistant Principal Laura Garcia! We are happy to have you join our family and look forward to a new school year! #PerezIsFamily #PioneerPride
over 2 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Laura Garcia
Welcome Pioneers! Please make plans to join us for PK & Kinder camp/Meet the Teacher! šŸ’™ šŸ’š The purpose of the camp is to allow our students to become familiar with their new environment before the 1st day of school. We encourage all of our PK & Kinder students to attend. Please see flyer for more information!
over 2 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Please join us August 18 for a presentation and discussion on safety & security measures McAllen ISD has in place for the protection of students and staff at our schools. Join us at McAllen High School from 6-7:30pm
over 2 years ago, McAllen ISD
McAllen ISD Safety and Security
Greetings Pioneer Nation! Parents awaiting STAAR results, you will be able to see your child's scores around June 24th through the Texas Assessment Family Portal. Please follow the steps on this flyer. Hope you are enjoying your summer!
almost 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Family Portal
Perez Elementary recognizes and appreciates Ms. Claudia Longoria on National Speech Pathologist day for all that she does to serve our Pioneer Community! You have touched and continue to impact our students lives! Thank you for all that you do! #PerezIsFamily #PioneerPride
almost 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Ms. Longoria
Congratulations McHi Class of 2022! We are so proud of you! Once a Pioneer, always a Pioneer! #pioneerpride
almost 3 years ago, Sharon De Groot
Congratulations McHi class of 2022!