Greetings Pioneers! Hope you had a restful Thanksgiving break with your families! We are eager to see everyone tomorrow! We will be having a Holiday Countdown with a variety of activities. Please refer to the attached flyer and be sure to be present...attendance counts! :)
over 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Get your antlers ready, Perez Elementary will be hosting a Rudolph 5K/1K Run/Walk! Registration fees are adults $25/kids $10. Register by December 3rd to secure your event shirt! Hope to see y'all! Registration:
over 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Rudolph 5K Run/Walk
Our staff is having cocoa with our counselor, Mrs. Fuentes, this chilly morning. :)
over 3 years ago, Marla Skretta
Cocoa with the Counselor
Congratulations to our Century Club members!! They have gained over 100 points in AR! So proud!!
over 3 years ago, Marla Skretta
Century Club Members
Our first graders are taking action by collecting donations for their Toy Drive to give to local children for the Christmas season. Please send any new, unwrapped toys to Dr. Pablo Perez Elementary by December 15th. For more info, you may contact any of our First grade teachers.
over 3 years ago, Marla Skretta
Toy Drive
Reaching out to our awesome Perez Pioneer community to invite you and your families to a Covid-19 vaccine clinic for children 5-11 years old that McAllen ISD will be hosting. Please refer to the flyer for all the details!
over 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic
Reaching out to our awesome Pioneer Community to invite you and your families to a vaccine clinic McAllen ISD will be hosting. Please refer to the flyer for all the details!
over 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Wishing our Pioneer Community a safe and restful 3 day weekend! See you Tuesday, October 12th!
over 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Wishing our Pioneer Community a safe and restful 3 day weekend! See you Tuesday, October 12th!
Join us this Wednesday evening as we discuss the different state assessments we use to track and monitor your child's progress in school. Learn how you will be informed and how you can support your child. Check your email/teacher communication for your invitation! / ƚnase a nosotros miĆ©rcoles por la tarde, mientras discutimos las diferentes evaluaciones que usamos para rastrear y monitorear el progreso de nuestros estudiantes. Aprenda cĆ³mo se le informarĆ” a los papas y cĆ³mo ustedes pueden apoyar a sus hijos. Ā”Revise su correo electrĆ³nico/ comunicaciĆ³n de la maestra para su invitaciĆ³n!
over 3 years ago, Raquel Rosales
State Assessment Meeting
Help us build positive connections between home and school at this parent meeting. Check your email for your invitation! AyĆŗdenos a construir conexiones positivas entre el hogar y la escuela en esta reuniĆ³n de padres. Ā”Revise su correo electrĆ³nico para su invitaciĆ³n!
over 3 years ago, Raquel Rosales
Annual Title I School Meeting
Annual Title I School Meeting
Weather Update: McAllen ISD is closely monitoring the weather. At this time, all campuses, district offices & transportation will continue with its regular schedule today. We encourage you to take precautions to work and school.
over 3 years ago, McAllen ISD
rainy day
Join this evening's virtual parent meeting! Ā”ƚnase a la reuniĆ³n virtual de padres esta noche!
over 3 years ago, Raquel Rosales
Bilingual/ESL Info Mtg
Hello families, Just a friendly reminder that we will not have school Monday, September 6, 2021. Hola familias, Solo un recordatorio amistoso de que no habrĆ” clases el lunes 6 de septiembre de 2021.
over 3 years ago, McAllen ISD
labor day
JOIN Lil' Bulldog Game Nights 2021: Lilā€™ Bulldogs guys & gals will lead the Varsity Football Team on the field after half-time during each home game throughout the 2021 regular season. Kids in grades K-6th are eligible. Details and registration here:
over 3 years ago, Raquel Rosales
McHi Lil Bulldogs
We can't wait to see our Perez Pioneers on the first day back to school on August 23rd!!
over 3 years ago, Marla Skretta
First Day of School
Please join us for Meet the Teacher Night on August 19, 2021! We look forward to seeing our Perez Pioneer students and parents!
over 3 years ago, Marla Skretta
Meet the Teacher Flyer
Conoce al Maestro(a)
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Year - Mrs. Ester Espitia!!! She is so deserving of this honor.
almost 4 years ago, Cynthia Cooksey
We are pleased to announce that Perez Elementary has received the Purple Star designation from the Texas Education Agency! This award comes from our campus demonstrating support and commitment to meeting the unique needs of military connected students and their families.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Pablo Perez School
Texas Purple Star Campus Star
We continue to update our website to better serve our students. We added a section listing websites that are safe and have many learning resources. Please take a moment to view the link under the "For Students" tab at
almost 5 years ago, McAllen ISD