Welcome back students and parents. In order to participate in athletics this school year, the following forms must be filled out by or before August 22, 2022: Athletic Participation Form Medical History Form UIL Forms Signature Page
over 2 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Rank One
Incoming Terriers Please review the day for your schedule pickup/registration. Hope to see everyone there this week. #TerriersTravis #TerriersGRIT #Districtofchampions @McAllenisd https://tinyurl.com/2p9aswpu
over 2 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Hope to see all incoming Terriers this week for schedule pickup/ registration #TerriersTravis #DistricOfChampions @McAllenisd https://tinyurl.com/3urednbc
over 2 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Please join us August 18 for a presentation and discussion on safety & security measures McAllen ISD has in place for the protection of students and staff at our schools. Join us at McAllen High School from 6-7:30pm
over 2 years ago, McAllen ISD
McAllen ISD Safety and Security
Support the Travis Terriers! Register for the Terrier Run on August 13th. You can pay on site. Link here: https://tinyurl.com/ztaxhu #TerriersTravis #DistrictofChampions @McAllenISD
over 2 years ago, Efrain Amaya, Principal
Terrier Run
Travis Football 2022-2023 #TerriersTravis #DistrictOfChampions @McAllenISD https://tinyurl.com/7djze58t
over 2 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Travis 2022-2023 Volleyball Schedule #TerriersTravis #DistrictOfChampions @McAllenISD https://tinyurl.com/2p9u42ty
over 2 years ago, Efrain Amaya
#TerriersTravis #DistrictofChampions@McAllenisd
over 2 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Travis athletes in need of a physicalā€¦ #TerriersTravis #DistrictOfChampions@McAllenisd
over 2 years ago, Efrain Amaya
free physicals
Shoutout to our Travis Cheer! Congratulations ladies! #TerriersTravis #TravisGrit #McallenisdDistrictofChampions
over 2 years ago, Efrain Amaya
travis cheer
Travis invites everyone to join us for our 2nd annual Terrier Run!
over 2 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Terrier Run
free shirt
Terrier Community! Check out our Schedule Pickup/Registration Days! https://tinyurl.com/48kckd3j #TerriersTravis #DistrictOfChampions@Mcallenisd
over 2 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Some great activities taking place today on campus in our History classes! @McAllenSSdept #TravisGrit #History #Summer
almost 3 years ago, Herman Perez
Travis Middle School Administration 2021-2022 Serving our students to achieve their maximum potential. Choose McAllen. Choose Travis. @terrierstravis
almost 3 years ago, Kristina Venecia
Administration 21-22
Calling all future scientists! This is for 6th and 7th graders looking for some science fun this summer. Join us from June 6th-9th at our Science Camps! The registration link is available here: https://forms.gle/y2ncfJtXafCNykvz7
almost 3 years ago, Brenda Gloria
Science Camp
Science Camp
This is the summer schedule for all 8th grade students interested in participating in ROTC next year. Contact McHi staff: Leonard.Cianciotto@mcallenisd.net or Benito.Contreras@mcallenisd.net with any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Brenda Gloria
ROTC Summer Schedule
almost 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Travis Loves Its Teachers!
almost 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Teacher Appreciation
Happy Principal's Day, Mr. Amaya! Thank you for everything you do for our students, parents, and staff.
almost 3 years ago, Brenda Gloria
Happy Principal's Day
STAAR tests are coming up! Please look at the attached schedule. Contact us at 956-971-4242 with any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Brenda Gloria
STAAR 2022 Schedule