Welcome back students and parents. In order to participate in athletics this school year, the following forms must be filled out by or before August 22, 2022:
Athletic Participation Form
Medical History Form
UIL Forms Signature Page

Incoming Terriers Please review the day for your schedule pickup/registration. Hope to see everyone there this week. #TerriersTravis #TerriersGRIT #Districtofchampions @McAllenisd

Hope to see all incoming Terriers this week for schedule pickup/ registration #TerriersTravis #DistricOfChampions @McAllenisd

Please join us August 18 for a presentation and discussion on safety & security measures McAllen ISD has in place for the protection of students and staff at our schools.
Join us at McAllen High School from 6-7:30pm

Support the Travis Terriers!
Register for the Terrier Run on August 13th.
You can pay on site.
Link here: https://tinyurl.com/ztaxhu
#TerriersTravis #DistrictofChampions @McAllenISD

Travis Football 2022-2023

Travis 2022-2023 Volleyball Schedule


Travis athletes in need of a physicalā¦

Shoutout to our Travis Cheer! Congratulations ladies! #TerriersTravis #TravisGrit #McallenisdDistrictofChampions

Travis invites everyone to join us for our 2nd annual Terrier Run!

Terrier Community! Check out our Schedule Pickup/Registration Days!

Some great activities taking place today on campus in our History classes! @McAllenSSdept #TravisGrit #History #Summer

Travis Middle School Administration 2021-2022
Serving our students to achieve their maximum potential.
Choose McAllen. Choose Travis. @terrierstravis

Calling all future scientists!
This is for 6th and 7th graders looking for some science fun this summer. Join us from June 6th-9th at our Science Camps! The registration link is available here: https://forms.gle/y2ncfJtXafCNykvz7

This is the summer schedule for all 8th grade students interested in participating in ROTC next year.
Contact McHi staff: Leonard.Cianciotto@mcallenisd.net or Benito.Contreras@mcallenisd.net with any questions.

Travis Terriers Calendar of events! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vEpAGcnTPShFjOFHW7r3WC6baW--njyb/view?usp=sharing

Travis Loves Its Teachers!

Happy Principal's Day, Mr. Amaya!
Thank you for everything you do for our students, parents, and staff.

STAAR tests are coming up!
Please look at the attached schedule. Contact us at 956-971-4242 with any questions.