Bilingual Survey
SuperTalk Episode 34:  Dr. Gonzalez addresses Focus Area 5, 6 & 7
SuperTalk Episode 34:  Dr. Gonzalez addresses Focus Area 5, 6 & 7
​McAllen ISD principals address Focus Area 3 (Wellness and Mental Health) & 4 (Customer Service) of the Champion Project @McAllenISD
The Champion Project @McAllen ISD: Focus Areas 3 & 4
SuperTalk Episode 33:  Dr. Gonzalez addresses Focus Area 3 (Wellness and Mental Health) & 4 (Customer Service) of the Champion Project @McAllenISD
The Champion Project at McAllen ISD
Dr. J.A. Gonzalez McAllen ISD
Teacher Appreciation Week
​Hawk Assembly for the Week of May 3, 2021
mental health
Principal Message
Thought Exchange
Dr. J.A. Gonzalez McAllen ISD
McAllen ISD SuperTalk
Super Talk in regards to the Thought Exchange
Super Talk in regards to the Thought Exchange
Thought Exchange
McAllen ISD message regarding school safety