We are super excited and looking forward to seeing all of you at our LITERACY NIGHT tomorrow! Check out some of the goodies we have prepared for our unicorns! Thursday, March 23rd 5:00 to 6:30 pm in the gym. Gooooo unicorns! 💜🦄
almost 2 years ago, Nancy Valenzuela
Emotional Intelligence Core Competency 3 Motivation What is motivation? The ability to work toward a goal and finish it even when it is challenging. At R. Garza, we know and believe that we can do anything that we set our minds to do. Confidence is my Superpower Written by Alicia Ortega Read Aloud https://youtu.be/7bLRZe4krNI Reflection Question In the story, Leo uses his affirmations to grow his confidence. What are some affirmations that build your CONFIDENCE? TRY THESE... I Am Important! I Can Do New Things. I Can Choose. I Am Brave!
almost 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
Confidence is my Superpower
Two of our unicorns, Saul Garcia and Livia Lozano, represented Garza Elementary at the board meeting last night for the GT Awareness Proclamation Reading. Gooo unicorns! 💜🦄
almost 2 years ago, Nancy Valenzuela
image 1
Don’t forget to rock your socks tomorrow for World Down Syndrome Day!
almost 2 years ago, Nancy Valenzuela
R. GARZA LITERACY NIGHT "Grab Your Hat and Read with the Cat!" It's a Seussville Celebration! Join us at our Garza Literacy Night on Thursday, March 23rd 5:00 to 6:30 pm in the gym.
almost 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
Felicidades a Rogelio Castillo por haber ganado el PRIMER lugar de nivel 2nd/3rd grado!! We are super proud of you, Rogelio! Gooo unicorns! 💜🦄
almost 2 years ago, Nancy Valenzuela
Let's get some well-deserved rest. We will see you back Monday, March 20 ready to learn! Goooo Unicorns!
almost 2 years ago, Nancy Valenzuela
spring break
Wishing the best of luck to Ella and Rogelio in the their Torneo de Ortografía Division!!! Goooo unicorns!
almost 2 years ago, Nancy Valenzuela
spelling bee
Best of luck to our unicorns as they compete today at the district’s track meet. Goooo unicorns! 💜🦄
almost 2 years ago, Nancy Valenzuela
track 1
track 2
Emotional Intelligence Core Competency 2 Self Regulation What is self regulation? The ability to manage your thoughts, behavior, emotions, and body movements according to the situation. At R. Garza Elementary, we learn to sort and define our emotions and make the right choices. What If Everybody Did That? Written by Ellen Javernick Read Aloud: This book shows how each person's actions have consequences one way or another. https://youtu.be/e_m1be4UX5o Reflection Question Why is it important for you to make the right choices?
almost 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
What if Everybody Did That
R. Garza Elementary celebrates Read Across America with Dr. Seuss! Many students dressed the part!
almost 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Garza parents, please help us complete our survey. Your input is important to us. Thank you! Padres de Garza, por favor ayúdennos a completar nuestra encuesta. Su opinión es importante para nosotros. ¡Gracias! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XL3JHYV
almost 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
R. Garza Elementary is raising money for the American Heart Association. Click the link below to view the kick-off video. https://drive.google.com.mcas.ms/file/d/12yJhaftpzg2IjhHNeWPERLflAca-IcaQ/view Anyone who raises $100 or more will get to slime some of our staff members. In addition, if Garza reaches its goal of raising $6000, Coach Chavez will color his hair and beard.
almost 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
Emotional Intelligence Core Competency 1 Self-Awareness What is self-awareness? The ability to know your character, thoughts, actions and emotions. At R. Garza Elementary, we are a community of learners who are accepted, loved and safe. The Cat on the Mat: All About Mindfulness Written by Bonnie Worth Read Aloud by Dr. Pat Avila, School Counselor https://youtu.be/K5XE232CLhg Reflection Question Write and illustrate one thing which helps you stay calm and focused on learning.
almost 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
Mindfulness:  The Cat on the Mat
Emotional Intelligence Core Competency 5 Social Skills At R. Garza Elementary, we use our strengths, interests, and talents to make a positive change in our community. Clark the Shark Written by Bruce Hale Reflection Question How does your behavior affect others?
about 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
Clark the Shark
Dyslexia-related information for Parents and Guardians: Early intervention is key to developing literacy skills for all students. Attached are important dates, resources and where to find Dyslexia-related information.
about 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
English Dyslexia Letter
Spanish Dyslexia
UPCOMING EVENT: Monday, February 27th- Friday, March 3rd R. Garza Elementary will be celebrating Read Across America with Dr. Seuss! Get ready to celebrate and dress the part!
about 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
2023 Dr. Seuss Week
Emotional Intelligence Core Competency 4 Empathy What is empathy? The ability to understand and share the thinking and emotions of others. At R. Garza Elementary, we believe that with acceptance, kindness, and strength we stand united. Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch Written by Eileen Spinelli Read Aloud https://youtu.be/AGAS_Aj85cA Reflection Question: Random acts of kindness can cheer someone up when they least expect it. How can YOUR ACTS OF KINDNESS change how others feel and act?
about 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch
UPCOMING EVENT Tuesday, February 28th 3 to 10 p.m. Iced Cube Mexican Street Eats Join us for Garza Spirit Night! 30% of all sales will benefit Garza Elementary PTO
about 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
Garza Spirit NIght
❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️ Garza Student Council is sponsoring a LOVE-A-PET DONATION DRIVE February 6-10 Please help us help them!❤️🐾❤️ THANK YOU! ❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️
about 2 years ago, Rosie Campos
Pet Drive