TEA Parent & Families Information and Resources


McAllen ISD

Coffee with Dr. Gutierrez

Cafecito con Dr. Gutierrez

Dr. Gutierrez los invita a tomar café para conversar y compartir ideas de como trabajar juntos para apoyar nuestras escuelas y comunidad.

Dr. Gutierrez invites all parents to join him for coffee and conversations to share ideas on how to collaborate and support our schools and community.

McAllen ISD Bilingual/ESL/FL Department

Upcoming Parent Events / Próximos eventos para padres

Literacy Night

Literacy Night

Literacy Night

Literacy Night

Parent Symposium

T3 Watch Party Event

T3 Watch Party Event

T3 Watch Party Event

T3 Watch Party Event

T3 Watch Party Event

Evento T3 Fiesta por TV

7th Annual Region One Parent Institute

7o Instituto Anual de Padres  de Region One