We had a marvelous first day of school! Our students were so happy to meet their new classmates and teachers. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFs4aLC4Co/822ahjGex555VlHFMWEwTw/watch?utm_content=DAFs4aLC4Co&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink

Thank you for joining us at Meet the Teacher, PK & Kinder Camp last week! It was wonderful to welcome back our Pioneer family! https://video214.com/play/wkS02AOE8RyAUztCB2AJUA/s/dark

We are looking forward to a fabulous first day of school tomorrow! Please see maps for drop - off and pick up information. Please remain in your vehicle at drop - off, our staff will guide students to their classrooms. Thank you in advance for your patience and support!

Welcome back, Pioneers! Our theme for 2023-2024 school year is "Own It & Grow" because, as Pioneers, we own our learning and grow in our abilities each and every day! Please click the link to find important school information to be used throughout the school year, Go, Pioneers! #PioneerPride #OwnIt&Grow https://www.smore.com/21vc3

Registration for Safe and Secure will be taking place in our cafeteria tomorrow, August 24th from 5:30 - 7:00 PM. Payment is due upon registration. Please see flyer for more information. Contact us at (956) 971 - 1125 if you have any questions. Thank you!

Registration for Safe and Secure will take place in the cafeteria on Thursday, August 24th from 5:30 - 7:00 P.M. Reminder that Meet the Teacher will take place later this week! Your child's teacher will reach out on Wednesday or Thursday to let you know which class to report to.

Meet the Teacher for 1st - 5th grade will be on Thursday, Aug. 24th from 5:30 - 7:00 PM. Pre K and Kinder will be having Meet the Teacher/PK & K Camp on Friday, Aug. 25th in the morning. You will receive a message from your child's teacher to let you know which room to report to.

We would like to express our gratitude to our generous Partners in Excellence for helping us welcome back our wonderful staff! We cannot thank you enough for all of your contributions. Thank you! #PioneerPride #PerezisFamily #OwnitandGrow #PartnersinExcellence

Please click on the link to access this year's school supply lists: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1469/perez/2139677/2023-2024_School_Supplies_List.pdf Use code #70216512 at Office Depot. Thank you!

Our Pioneers looked glamorous as they attended this year's General Assembly. Congratulations to Mrs. J. Garza and Mr. L. Serna for being MEF Innovative Grant Recipients! #OwnitandGrow #IBGettingitDone #PioneerPride @McAllenISD https://youtube.com/shorts/WSipKFXfiQQ?feature=share

We welcomed back our fabulous faculty and staff today! We are ready to "Own it and Grow"! A big thank you to exceptional PTO for their love and support! #OwnitandGrow #PerezisFamily #PioneerPride #IBGettingitDone

Our outstanding Pioneer Cheer Squad met today to start preparing for an amazing school year! Thank you to our dedicated Cheer sponsors for your time, effort, and enthusiasm! We are looking forward to welcoming back all of our Pioneers very soon! #PioneerPride #OwnitandGrow

#TECHnovate23 is in full swing! Our Pioneer educators are learning all about innovative teaching, collaborative planning, and the use of Toddle in the implementation of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme! #InnovativeTeaching/Learning #PioneerPride @McAllenISD

Calling all incoming Pre K and Kinder Pioneers! You are formally invited to join us on Friday, August 25th to meet your teacher, see your new classroom, and tour our beautiful school! Please refer to flyers for further information. We look forward to seeing you soon!

We are so excited to welcome back our Pioneer community at Meet the Teacher night! Please join us on Thursday, August 24th from 5:30 - 7:00 PM. Pre K & Kinder Meet the Teacher/Camp will take place the following day. Please see flyer for more information! #PioneerPride @McAllenISD

Thank you, Perez community for your support! Our school is the recipient of our local Office Depot School Supply Drive and will receive a percentage of all purchases made through Dec. 30th. Please remember to use our School ID #70216512 when shopping at Office Depot North 10th!

Tomorrow is the last day of school! We will be having Early Release at 12:30 PM. There will not be Safe & Secure. Wishing you all a fun and safe summer break! #PioneerPride #GritAndGrace #PerezIsFamily

Today we celebrated the accomplishments of our 5th grade Pioneers and bid them farewell. We will forever cherish our Pioneers and will remember them fondly as they go on to achieve great things! Thank you to our 5th grade teachers and parents for all of your support!

Do you have an incoming 3rd - 5th grade Pioneer that is interested in our Pioneer Cheer program? Please see flyer for information regarding uniform fittings and summer camp! #PioneerPride #PerezCheer

Today was a momentous day for our Kindergarten Pioneers! They celebrated their Kindergarten Graduation alongside their proud teachers and parents. We know that they will continue to do amazing things and wish them all the best as they continue on their educational journey!