Monday, October 9th is a Weather Day and there will be no classes. Classes will resume on Tuesday, October 10th. Enjoy your weekend! El lunes 9 de octubre es un dĆa meteorolĆ³gico y no habrĆ” clases. Las clases se reanudarĆ”n el martes 10 de octubre. Ā”Disfruta tu fin de semana!

We appreciate the role that our coaches play for our Pioneers each and every single day! Thank you for motivating our students to be balanced and appreciate the value of exercise in their lives. Happy National Coaches Day! #PioneerPride #PerezisFamily #NationalCoachesDay

Tomorrow is World Cerebral Palsy Day. Let's all wear green tomorrow to raise awareness and show our support! #WorldCerebralPalsyDay #PerezisFamily

Happy World Teachers Day to all of our amazing teachers at Dr. Pablo Perez Elementary! We truly have such caring and knowledgeable teachers who provide a world class education to our Pioneers. #PioneerPride #PerezisFamily #WorldTeachersDay

We love our custodians! Happy National Custodian Day to Elena, Flor, and Ralph. They work tirelessly to ensure that our campus is always pristine. We are very appreciative of all of their hard work! #PioneerPride #PerezisFamily #NationalCustodianAppreciationDay

Order your DĆa De Los Pioneers Shirt asap. Ordering window closes THIS week on 10/5/23 to allow time to order and print. Shirts will be delivered to your childās teacher for distribution by 10/19/23. This gives them 3 Fridays before our Fall Festival.

#GoRedForDyslexia Let's celebrate Dyslexia Awareness Month by wearing red every Tuesday in October! Help us spread awareness by wearing red socks this coming Tuesday, October 3rd. #DyslexiaAwarenessMonth #PioneerPride McAllen ISD

October is National Principals Month and we would like to recognize our extraordinary principal, Mrs. Delgado! She embodies the learner profile and leads by example. We are very thankful for all that she does for our Pioneer community! #PioneerPride #PerezisFamily

Autumn leaves and pumpkins please - October is here! We are so excited about all of the wonderful upcoming events this month. Please be sure to mark your calendars - there are plenty of dress up opportunities for our Pioneers. #RedRibbonWeek #GoRedforDyslexia #CollegeWeek

Our Pioneers showed their Perez pride at the McAllen Kids Marathon Kickoff Celebration! Thank you to all of our Pioneer families who came out this evening. Way to be balanced, Pioneers! #PioneerPride #OwnitandGrow @McAllen ISD

Our 2nd grade Pioneers attended a live author reading at McAllen Oval Park today! They enjoyed participating in the Big Texas Read event and listening to author Carmen Tafolla read her book: What can you do with a Paleta? Thank you, HEB! #Read3Readin #HEB #Literacy @HebRead3

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. We are encouraging our caring Pioneers to show empathy and make a poster at home to communicate their support for Childhood Cancer Awareness. The posters will be displayed throughout campus. Thank you! #goGOLD #PerezisFamily

We are so grateful to our Pioneer Cheer sponsors, school community, and parents for all
of their support at yesterday's homecoming parade! Shout out to Exotic Berry for providing sweet treats to keep our cheerleaders nice and cool to cheer on the mighty McHi Bulldogs! #McHi

The McAllen Kids Marathon Kickoff Celebration will take place on Friday, September 29th. Gates open at 5:30 PM at the DQ Fan Field at McAllen Veterans Memorial Stadium. Please click link to register! https://www.mcallenisd.org/page/mcallen-kids-marathon-registration

Our kinder students had an unforgettable experience touring the campus kitchen yesterday! We are so grateful to our cafeteria staff for providing this learning opportunity for our Pioneers! #Inquiry @mcallenisd

It was delightful to see our Pioneers making memories with their grandparents this morning. Grandparents, thank you for all of the wisdom, love and support you give to your grandchildren. #Perezisfamily https://video214.com/play/zPK1Ego5JJkBhEoDXkPAQQ/s/dark

GREAT NEWS! We have more slots available for Safe and Secure! Safe and Secure provides after school supervision from 3:30 - 6:00 PM. Evening meals are provided. Payments are made through our campus store: https://www.mcallenisd.org/page/campus-store

Let's make it a September to remember! Here is our calendar of upcoming events:

Here is McAllen ISD's 2023 - 2024 school calendar for your reference. It's going to be a great year! #PioneerPride #OwnitandGrow

Labor Day is on Monday, September 4th! We will not be having classes on Labor Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, September 5th. Enjoy your weekend!