We kicked off Music in our Schools Week yesterday by wearing our favorite Disney characters! Iniciamos la Semana de la MĆŗsica en nuestras Escuelas vistiendo como nuestros personajes favoritos de Disney. #MusicInOurSchoolsMonth #MusicalMonday #PioneerPride @McAllenISD
12 months ago, Esther Espitia
Congratulations to our 4th grade Pioneer Joaquin for his accomplishments at the Livestock Show! He earned: 7th in class Horticulture, 5th in Consumer Decision Making, 5th in (3rd-8th grade) Public Speaking, 2nd in Western Art, 1st place over all Junior Leadership Award!
12 months ago, Esther Espitia
Our Pioneer Cheer shined at the Vipers Halftime Performance! Their high energy performance was remarkable! #PioneerPride #PioneerCheer @McAllenISD Check it out here: https://youtu.be/qk4HHn1tSRM?si=8ipBGlVS7v3sHDSj
12 months ago, Esther Espitia
March is Music in our Schools Month! Students are invited to participate in dress up opportunities the week after Spring Break! Ā”Marzo es el mes de la mĆŗsica en nuestras escuelas! Ā”Los estudiantes estĆ”n invitados a participar en oportunidades de disfraces!
12 months ago, Esther Espitia
We enjoyed National School Breakfast Week! We are so thankful to our child nutrition staff for providing delicious meals to our Pioneers every day! Ā”Disfrutamos de la Semana Nacional del Desayuno Escolar! @McAllenISD
12 months ago, Esther Espitia
We are so proud of our 5th Grade Boys Elevate Basketball team! They earned 1st place at the Championship! Way to go, Pioneers! Ā”Estamos muy orgullosos de nuestro equipo de baloncesto Boys Elevate de quinto grado! Ā”Obtuvieron el 1er lugar en el Campeonato! Ā”AsĆ­ se hace, pioneros!
12 months ago, Esther Espitia
Big congratulations to our Girls Elevate soccer team! They played in the championship and earned 2nd place! We are proud of all of your hard work and effort! Ā”Muchas felicidades a nuestro equipo de fĆŗtbol Girls Elevate! Ā”Jugaron en el campeonato y obtuvieron el segundo lugar!
12 months ago, Esther Espitia
Friendly reminder! Classes resume on Monday, March 18th. Ā”Recordatorio! Las clases se reanudan el lunes 18 de marzo.
12 months ago, Esther Espitia
Congratulations to Ivanna Paz and Marillany Mora. They placed in the top 12 in the MISD Torneo de Ortografia! They will compete at the next round at UTRGV! Ā”Felicidades a Ivanna Paz y Marillany Mora por su participacion en el Torneo de OrtografĆ­a, avanzaron a la siguiente ronda!
12 months ago, Esther Espitia
Wishing a Happy Diagnostician's Week to Ms. Tan - Cantu! We Appreciate all that she does for our Pioneer community! Ā”Le deseamos una feliz semana del diagnosticador a la Sra. Tan - CantĆŗ! Ā”Apreciamos todo lo que ella hace por nuestra comunidad Pioneer! #PioneerPride
12 months ago, Esther Espitia
12 months ago, Esther Espitia
Our Spring into Literacy Night was a success! Thank you to all of the families who came out and joined us! We enjoyed coming together to discuss strategies to help develop a strong literacy foundation! #PioneerPride #PerezisFamily @McAllenISD
12 months ago, Esther Espitia
Spring is just around the corner! Check out all the marvelous things happening in March: Ā”La primavera estĆ” a la vuelta de la esquina! Mira todas las cosas maravillosas que sucederĆ”n en marzo: #PioneerPride #OwnitandGrow #Perez
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
We are so excited about tomorrow's Spring into Reading Literacy Night! It will take place in our cafeteria tomorrow from 5:00 - 6:30 pm. PTO will be selling pizza and juice. Looking forward to seeing you all soon! Deseando ver a todos pronto! #PioneerPride #PerezisFamily
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Congratulations to our 4th six weeks Perfect Attendance winners! They enjoyed some delicious pizza and cookies with our principal, Mrs. Delgado. Keep up the great attendance, Pioneers! #PioneerPride #PerezisFamily #AttendanceMatters
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Please join us in congratulating our PK Pioneers! Today they received a trophy from McAllen ISD for having the best attendance in the district for the 4th six weeks! Keep up the great attendance, Pioneers! #PioneerPride #AttendanceMatters @McAllenISD
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
We would like to thank our IB Lamar student mentors who came to assist our 5th grade students with their Exhibition presentations. Our students greatly enjoyed this collaboration and were so excited to meet their mentors in person. Thank you for partnership! @lamar_academy #IB
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Congratulations to our girls Elevate soccer team for defeating Gonzalez 4-3 yesterday! We wish them all the best as they play in the Championship game on Saturday at 9 am at McAllen Veterans Memorial Stadium. We are so proud of you, Pioneers! #PioneerPride @mcallenisd
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
We are so proud of our boys Elevate basketball teams! Our Kelly green team finished their season yesterday, and our Teal team advanced to play in the Championship game on Friday. Wishing you all the best, Pioneers! #PioneerPride @mcallenisd
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Limited Edition McAllen ISD Autism Awareness shirts are on sale now! Early orders will receive a free tote bag with MISD Puzzle Logo when ordered before this Friday, March 1st. See flyer for details!
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia