Have you pre - ordered your 2023-2024 Perez Elementary yearbook yet? Yearbook price will increase beginning this Friday, March 1st. Order yours today! ĀæHas reservado tu anuario de la Primaria PĆ©rez? El precio aumentarĆ” a partir de este viernes 1 de marzo. Ā”Pide el tuyo hoy!
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
We are so excited to see all of our Pioneer families at Open House this evening! Please stop by your child's classroom for student - led conferences. We encourage all families to visit our Lost and Found in the cafeteria! Our PTO will be selling pizza and drinks in the cafeteria.
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
You are invited to join us for our PK - 2nd grade Spring into Reading Literacy Night! It'll be taking place next Tuesday, March 5th from 5:00 - 6:30 pm. Join us for hands - on literacy activities, games, prizes, books, and much more! #PioneerPride #OwnitandGrow #LiteracyNight
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Congratulations to our Destination Imagination team and their sponsor, Mrs. Rios! The Perez DIP's competed in the SBBDI Regional Tournament in Brownsville yesterday and they placed 1st! They will be competing in the state tournament in Arlington in April. Way to represent Perez!
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
We have started the 5th six weeks of school! Check out our latest edition of the Perez Press newsletter to learn about upcoming unit planners for each grade level, our learner profile attribute focus, and exciting upcoming events. Thank you for your support! https://www.smore.com/sz7g1 Ā”Hemos comenzado la quinta sexta semana de clases! Consulte nuestra boletĆ­n La Prenza PĆ©rez para conocer los prĆ³ximos planificadores de unidades para cada nivel de grado, el enfoque en los atributos de nuestro perfil de aprendizaje y los prĆ³ximos eventos en nuestra escuela. Ā”Gracias por su apoyo! https://www.smore.com/pgr5w
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Funny story: We did not realize that next Wednesday is picture day. Originally that was our "crazy" day for RAA week. So, please see the attached flyer for our NEW Wednesday dress-up day that is probably more fitting for pictures. Thank you! Sorry for the confusion! @perezlibrary
about 1 year ago, Sharon De Groot
Read Across America Week
Please join us for Family Night at Chuck E. Cheese on Trenton TODAY from 3PM - 9 PM. The class with the highest attendance will win a PIZZA PARTY! See you there! ƚnase a nosotros para la noche familiar en Chuck E. Cheese en Trenton HOY de 3 p. m. a 9 p. m. Ā”Nos vemos alli!
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Please join us for Open House next Tuesday, February 27th. Our Pioneers will be conducting student - led conferences. We can't wait for you to see all of the amazing learning that has been taking place! #PioneerPride #OwnitandGrow
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Our boys Elevate basketball teams have a big night ahead! Perez Teal team will play today at 6:45 pm, followed by Perez Kelly Green at 8:15 pm. Both games will be played at Boys and Girls Club Roney Center. Best wishes, Pioneers! We know you will make us proud! #PioneerPride
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
We want to wish the best to our Elevate Girls Soccer team as they take on Rayburn on Monday, February 16th at 6:45 pm. Game will be played at Suarez park located behind Brand Center Boys and Girls Club. #PioneerPride #Balanced @McAllenISD
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Best wishes to our Perez Chess Team as they compete at Regionals this Saturday and Sunday! We know they will use their thinking skills to think critically at their tournament. Ā”Queremos desearle a nuestro equipo de PĆ©rez Chess todo lo mejor en su competencia este fin de semana!
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
McHi Boys Basketball is inviting our Pioneers to Elementary Night tonight! JV will play at 6:00 pm and Varsity plays at 7:30 pm. Free admission with a Perez Elementary spirit shirt! #PioneerPride #McHi
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
https://video214.com/play/szAfJE5gb9frWEB17xRumg/s/dark Happy 100th Day of School! Thank you to our parents and teachers for supporting our students every single day. Ā”Feliz dĆ­a nĆŗmero 100 de clases! #PioneerPride @McAllenISD
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Our boys basketball teams did a fantastic job at their first games yesterday! Perez Kelly Green team won 24 - 5, Perez Teal team won 12 - 0. Our boys basketball teams play tomorrow at Roney center: Teal plays at 6pm, Kelly Green plays at 8:15 pm. #PioneerPride #OwnitandGrow
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Our girls soccer team won 7 - 2 at their game yesterday! They will be playing at the Suarez Park at 6 pm tomorrow. Come on out and show your #PioneerPride! Ā”Nuestro equipo de fĆŗtbol femenino ganĆ³ ayer 7 - 2! EstarĆ”n jugando en el Parque SuĆ”rez maƱana a las 6 pm.
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Great news! Yearbooks are on sale NOW! Pre order yours before March 1st for special pricing! You can purchase on our online campus store or at the front office. Ā”Los anuarios ya estĆ”n a la venta! Ā”Reserva el tuyo antes del 1 de marzo para obtener precios especiales! #PioneerPride
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Our Pioneers will not have school on Monday, February 19th. Our staff will have a Professional Learning Day. Thank you! Nuestros Pioneros no tendrĆ”n clases el lunes 19 de febrero. Nuestro personal tendrĆ” un dĆ­a de aprendizaje profesional. Ā”Gracias!
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Happy National School Counseling Week to our amazing counselors Mrs. Fuentes and Ms. Lozano! Our counselors help our Pioneers sparkle and shine in everything they do! Ā”Feliz Semana Nacional de ConsejerĆ­a Escolar a nuestras increĆ­bles consejeras Mrs. Fuentes y Ms. Lozano!
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Attendance Matters! Our third six weeks Perfect Attendance Raffle winners enjoyed a tasty lunch with Mrs. Delgado today! Ā”Los ganadores de nuestra rifa de asistencia perfecta de las tercer seis semanas disfrutaron una deliciosa comida con la directora, Mrs. Delgado! #PioneerPride
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia
Congratulations to our 2023 - 2024 Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Villareal!! Thank you for all you do for our Pioneers! Ā”Felicidades a nuestra Maestra del aƱo, Mrs. Villareal! Mrs. Villareal es una inspiraciĆ³n para los estudiantes y el personal de la Primaria PĆ©rez! #PioneerPride
about 1 year ago, Esther Espitia