Hello families,
Just a friendly reminder that we will not have school Monday, September 6, 2021.
Hola familias,
Solo un recordatorio amistoso de que no habrĆ” clases el lunes 6 de septiembre de 2021.

Reminder! There is NO SCHOOL, Monday, September 6th. Classes will resume on the 7th. Happy Labor Day! Stay Safe Everyone!!

Travis Terriers, we have picture day Wednesday September 8th. Dress up in Sundays Best! #TerrierPictures #TerriersTravis

Congratulations to our 8th Grade Lady Terriers Dark Volleyball Team for defeating Zavala MS! Great win! #TerriersTravis #TravisGrit #VB

September 8th! SAVE THE DATE!
Travis Middle School Picture Day next Wednesday!! No uniforms for this special day. Come dressed to impress in your Sunday Best!

We're starting College Readiness Mondays! Each Monday, a quote will be shared with students and staff. Parent workshops coming soon!

Best of luck to our Lady Terrier Volleyball teams competing in the McAllen ISD PreSeason Tournament today! #TravisGrit #Volleyball #Community

What a great first day today at Travis MS! Such an amazing thing to see our students back on campus! #Day1 #TravisGrit #Community

Thank you Officer R. Hinojosa with the @McAllenISD Police Department for presenting today to @TerriersTravis on Standard Response Protocols #safety #community

Today our PD session consisted of our amazing Travis MS Teachers discussing and sharing what qualities are necessary in order to be a great and effective teacher. #TravisGrit #community #learning #sharing #levelsofquestioning

Travis Community: Please help us by letting us know if you are in favor of masks being mandatory for your child. Your opinion on this matter is important to us! Please follow the link to complete the survey! https://5il.co/wqdu Thank you!!

Travis Community! Next Friday, August 20th, we will be hosting Terrier Camp for our incoming 6th grade students! Camp will take place between 8:30am and 11:30am. Please join us! Travis MS Staff can not wait to meet each of you!!

Our incredible @TerriersTravis custodial staff working hard on their mandatory online trainings today! #TravisGrit #Family

District Professional Learning Days going on now! Some great learning and preparation happening across departments all over McAllen ISD!
Travis teachers getting ready for the 21-22 school year! #TravisGrit #PLC

Excellent collaboration taking place today at Travis MS during our vertical team alignment meeting with our Elementary partners from @tzhawks @fieldsfalcons and @warriors112. #TravisGrit #Collaboration

Thank you all so very much for your support today! To our staff, students, community members & leaders, and all the families that joined us today, our 1st Annual Terrier 5k run was total success because of your support! #TravisGrit #Community #Terrier

Help spread the word! If you have not registered yet for our Terrier 5k run, we will be doing on site registration tomorrow morning from 7:00am-7:45am. Shirts will be provided on site as well! Event starts at 8:00am! Don't be late! #community #TravisGrit #Terrier #5k

Happening today at Travis MS! Our 6th and 7th Graders attending Math Camp! #MathCamp #TravisGrit #Math #Enrichment

Good Morning Travis Community! We are having another amazing day here at our 7th Grade Registration and Schedule Pick up! #community #TravisGrit

A few of our awesome Travis Cheerleaders and Staff members helping out in preparing school supply bags for our Terrier Students attending registration today! #TravisGrit #Terriers #Registration #Community