So proud of our Travis Cheer, they have so much grit and pride! Thank you Mrs. LLanes & Mrs. Prichard for all you do! #TravisCheer #TerrierTravis #Mchi
over 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Travis Community & Mcallen Isd family, if you are up for a back to school Terrier 5K Run please register! Theme is Terriers run with GRIT! #TerriersTravis #TravisGrit
over 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Terrier Run
Terriers it's about that time to register and pick up your schedule!
over 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Schedule Pickup!
Terriers! Come and support our AMAZING cheerleaders! See you tomorrow at 11:15 in the Mc High gym! Go Terriers!! #TerriersTravis
over 3 years ago, Kristina Venecia
Cheer Competition
Here We Go Lady Terriers! We Are Back! 7th/8th VB Schedule #TerrierVB 7th/8th Grade VB
over 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Here We Go Terriers! We Are Back! FB Schedules #TerrierFB 8th Grade FB
over 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Here We Go Terriers! We Are Back! FB Schedules #TerrierFB 7th FB.
over 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Travis MS 8th Grade Supply List #TerriersTravis#LetsGetReady
over 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
8th Grade Supply List
8th Supply List
Travis MS 7th Grade Supply List #TerriersTravis#LetsGetReady
over 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
7th Grade Supply List
7th Grade List
Travis MS 6th Grade Supply List #TerriersTravis#LetsGetReady
over 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
6th Grade List
6th Grade List
Travis Terriers, it is about that time to start getting ready for your return! #TerriersTravis#TravisGrit!
over 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Schedule Pick & Uniform Information
If you are an entering 6th, 7th, or 8th Terrier please attend McHi VB Camp for great skills with Varsity Coach! Lets Get To Work!
over 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
VB Camp
Apply if you are up for the challenge!
over 3 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Terriers Alert! Entering 9th Grade VB Girls! Meet The Coach!
almost 4 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Meet the coach
Terrier Family! Don't forget to place your uniform order for next year!! Below is a link to order, or come by Travis if you need any assistance!
almost 4 years ago, Kristina Venecia
Uniform Flyer and QR Code
QR Code
Hoping to see YOU at our Summer Programs: Esports (@Rowe) and Codechella/Codezilla (@Fossum) start today! Check out many other upcoming events:
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Martinez
summer catalog image
If you missed our celebrations, you can access them by following this link. Congratulations to our incredible students and their parents!
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Gloria
Love this! 6th graders watching their Virtual Awards Ceremony while proudly showing their accomplishments! Terrier Proud! @TerriersTravis To watch the ceremony click on the link:
almost 4 years ago, Kristina Venecia
6th  Grade Virtual Awards
Terrier Family!! Below is the link for our 6th Grade Virtual Awards Ceremony. Please, click on the link, download the file, and click on "download anyway". Enjoy!!
almost 4 years ago, Kristina Venecia
Pre-order your Travis yearbook today! Only 40 copies will be available. You may order through Ms. D. Zepeda on campus or Ms. Lorie Lopez at the front office, or via this link to our online store: Call 956-971-4242 with any questions.
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Gloria