8th Grade Science doing some great activities with students on campus! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zXZYoBlZ62No1M8TOqR0yWXUT11vlfYP/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Efrain Amaya
These incredible ladies are the backbone of our campus. We thank you for everything you do on a daily basis.
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Gloria
Administrative Professionals' Day
Big Shout Out to our Terriers that competed in the TMEA Region XV 2021-All-Region Choir #TerriersTravis
almost 4 years ago, Efrain Amaya
All-Region Choir
Congratulations to our 5th Six Weeks Top Dawgs! We are so proud of all of your hard work and commitment to excellence. Keep it up! See the presentation here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aKV5MXqJT0eJqjWqvU2tMRQyFsJHDVxB/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Gloria
We are so proud of our students who were selected for the 7 competency celebration. Click on this link to view the video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ES3er-TqUPm5fHG-F_Epz1e4ZsOG-MgF/view?usp=sharing Special thanks to Leslie Flores for putting this together.
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Gloria
El Proyecto CampeĆ³n Ā”Comparta sus pensamientos! Utilice los enlaces para compartir sus ideas en Thought Exchange. Esperamos revisar sus pensamientos y continuar sirviendo a nuestros estudiantes y familias. Haga clic para participar: https://5il.co/rma4
almost 4 years ago, McAllen ISD
thought exchange
Travis Library welcomes Spring with Buzz Kit activities from McAllen Public Library! @mcallenlibrary @terrierstravis #spring #buzz #Makerspace #librarylove
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Martinez
Buzz Kits
Leaf Fossils
Bird Feeder
Great week celebrating our Travis AP's #TerriersTravis
almost 4 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Faynna Guerrero
Richard Tamez
Kristina Venecia
Thank you Travis Assistant Principals for all that you do! We love you!
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Gloria
Happy Assistant Principal's Week to these amazing administrators. Travis Middle School is blessed to have these incredible individuals leading our campus!
almost 4 years ago, Efrain Amaya, Principal
Asst. Principal's Week
Travis Appreciating our Awesome Librarian Roxann Martinez! Thank you for all you do for our students. #TerriersTravis#LibrariansWeek
almost 4 years ago, Efrain Amaya
Roxann Martinez
šŸ†Fortnite Duos registration is due Friday, April 9th. SIgn up your team or stop by the library if you need assistance. šŸŽ® https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkEDqhDslsUImOXLfPxQMft-VHrmeS5Y-ESjfdjEuvZpMhPw/viewform #McAllen #eSports #TerriersTravis
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Martinez
Fortnite Duos Tournament MISD
Find out the latest with our Travis April Newsletter! Click on the link for easy access! https://drive.google.com/file/d/18qDrbQgBZegSbAOJ-mQchRggbGpu5r_U/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Kristina Venecia
April Newsletter is out! Click the link to get the latest!
šŸ¤©Help us celebrate LIBRARY WEEK!!! Join in on our daily activities and show your love of libraries. šŸ’› Today, we're sticking together by creating a collage: https://letstick.to/session/170a3518 Hint: Travis Victory @TerriersTravis @byStickTogether
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Martinez
Amazing hands-on activities with our awesome face-to-face students in Mrs. Moore and Mr. Rodriguez' class! Only GREAT things happen here! @TerriersTravis #ComeJoinTheFun
almost 4 years ago, Kristina Venecia
Moore 2
Moore 1
Moore 3
Moore 4
Hey Terriers! No School on Friday! See you on Monday! Stay safe!
almost 4 years ago, Kristina Venecia
No School Good Friday
Farming & Sustainability - who's ready for the next Minecraft Edu Challenge? @TerriersTravis Sign Up at the library šŸŽ® https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYZfzHb0U3Y
almost 4 years ago, Roxann Martinez
NASEF Farmcraft
Congratulations to Coach Vanessa Delgado for being this months Wellness Wednesday Winner! She won a shoulder massager (very much needed with all that exercise she does).
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Gloria
V Delgado
Parents and staff-You are welcome to join virtual trainings on mental health issues including "Managing COVID Stress", "Eating Disorders while Remote Learning", and "Meditation". See flyer here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qHc5E6J_UeaQiARzoBc4dZ_QyaZJ7Dw4/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Gloria
Mental Health
All students are required to take benchmark exams (face-to-face or remote). View flyer for specific grade level information. Todos los estudiantes deben tomar exĆ”menes de benchmark (en personal o virtual). Vea el volante para informaciĆ³n especĆ­fica sobre el nivel de grado.
about 4 years ago, Brenda Gloria
Benchmark Info