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Travis would like to say THANK YOU to our school nurse Mrs. Teresa Cavazos for everything she does for our staff and students. Safety is her priority. #TerriersTravis

This week's Staff Wellness Wednesday focuses on the words we use. We love to read our staff's contributions-as we continue to grow and learn from each other. This month's raffle is a back massager.

It's Terrierific Thursday at Travis and our students are evaluating their values and exploring ways to improve their self-regulation skills.
New scholarships are posted each week. Don't lose out on these great opportunities!

Happy Diagnostician's Week to our favorite Diag-Adalia Garcia. We are so blessed to have her on our team!

Congratulations to our 4th Six Weeks Top Dawgs!

Travis Virtual Open house! Today is the day, and we can't wait to see you!
Visit the link for access:

Mark your calendar!!

You're invited to Travis' Virtual Open House, tomorrow, March 2nd! Please visit the link to view the schedule, find your child's grade level/subject and join the many AMAZING meetings with your child's teachers!
Visit the link for access: shorturl.at/nqvES

Our instructional aides received an upgrade on their devices! We are thankful for all the work they do to help our students succeed. Thank you @McAllenISD for the technology initiatives!

Congratulations to our Travis 4th Six Weeks Seven Competency Student of the Six Weeks!

Congratulations to Mrs. Gloria Moore for being this month's Travis MS Wellness Wednesday winner. She's won a super cool Echo Show with Blink Camera.

Today's Terrierific Thursday message focused on kindness. Each week, counselors meet with all students live through PE to discuss character traits, highlight a career of the week, and showcase new scholarships for them.

Attention Terriers! Reminder for McHi Cheer and Mascot tryouts! #goodluck #mcallenisdrocks @terrierstravis

This week's Staff Wellness Wednesday is on Sleep. We want to encourage our staff to get sufficient rest each night for their physical and emotional well-being. Raffle for Echo Show and Blink Camera to be held on Friday.

If you have LIBRARY BOOKS š at home, you can turn them in at the school office. š

Terrier Alert! Calendar Adjustment! #TerriersTravis

Travis MS Alert! #TerriersTravis

Many of our families are still without power or heat. If you are able to donate blankets or are in need of blankets, please fill out the form below.

MISD Hotspot Distribution today (Feb. 17th) @ Central Office 5- 6:30 PM