Coordinated School Health Programs
Coordinated School Health Programs - EHAA (LEGAL)
[EHAA - LEGAL] A district shall participate in appropriate training to implement TEA's coordinated health program and shall implement the program in each elementary, middle and high school in district. Education Code 38.014
McAllen ISD utilizes SPARK as the primary curriculum and CATCH as the secondary curriculum. For more information, please go to links that can be found under "Resources."
McAllen ISD Leads the Nation - America's Healthiest Schools
District Initiative - Coronavirus = PE Distance Learning
About Us - Philosophy and Mission Statement
Board Policies and Regulations + FITNESSGRAM
McAllen ISD participates in the 2019 STACK UP Day on November 14th
McAllen ISD P.E. Department Initiative: Let's Move McAllen - McAllen Kids Marathon
Department Highlights - March - June 2018
Department Highlights - Physical Education Teachers of The Year
Department Initiative - Alliance for a Healthier Generation (AHG)
Department Initiative - I Can Do It!
Department Initiatives - Cross Country, Track/Field Activities
Department Initiative - Physical Education Showcase
Partners In Excellence - Physical Education (PIE-PE)
School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
Wellness Policy + Wellness Regulation