Thank you, H-E-B! H-E-B generously gave each of our 2nd grade teachers $25 gift cards today! Ā”Gracias H-E-B! Ā”H-E-B generosamente le dio a cada uno de nuestras maestras de segundo grado tarjetas de regalo de $25 hoy!

We're so proud of our Student Ambassador: Ahliyah Renteria! Our Student Ambassador shows leadership and delivers superior customer service to visitors at Dr. Pablo Perez Elementary. Estamos muy orgullosos de nuestra Embajadora Estudiantil para el aƱo escolar: Ā”Ahliyah RenterĆa!

Next week is Red Ribbon Week! Join us as we celebrate drug-free, bully-free lives. Let's all wear red tomorrow to communicate to everyone that we say NO to drugs! Ā”La prĆ³xima semana es la Semana del ListĆ³n Rojo! Ćnase a nosotros mientras celebramos vidas libres de drogas.

Shh...Special surprise opening of the book fair coming up on Saturday, October 28th from 10am-2pm at the Perez Library. You can treat your little cuties with a special Halloween treat because what is better than candy??? Boooks! @perezlibrary https://tinyurl.com/bookfairsurprise

Thank you for your participation in College Week! Our Pioneers sported their future career or under construction outfit today. OĀ”Gracias por su participaciĆ³n en la Semana Universitaria! Nuestros Pioneros lucieron hoy su futura carrera o su atuendo en construcciĆ³n. @McAllenISDCTE

We recognized our Principled and Caring IB Scholars this morning! Our Pioneers exemplify the IB Learner Profile and help create a better world. Ā”Reconocimos a nuestros eruditos del IB Integros y Solidarios! #PioneerPride

Our future is BRIGHT! We wore our sunglasses and neon colors today because our future is so bright!
Ā”Nuestro futuro es BRILLANTE! Ā”Usamos nuestras gafas de sol y colores neĆ³n hoy porque nuestro futuro es muy brillante!
#CollegeWeek @McAllenISDCTE @McAllenISD

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Our caring Pioneers wore pink to raise awareness and show their support!
Octubre es el mes de concientizaciĆ³n sobre el cĆ”ncer de mama. Ā”Nuestros solidarios Pioneros se vistieron de rosa para crear conciencia y mostrar su apoyo!

We showed some love to our local colleges and universities by wearing their school colors and/or shirt yesterday!
Ā”Mostramos amor por nuestros colegios y universidades locales vistiendo los colores y/o la camiseta de su escuela ayer! #CollegeWeek @McAllenISDCTE @McAllenISD

Perez Elementary loves our veterans! We want to honor our Perez community veterans on Veterans' Day. Please use the QR code or link to submit your veteran to be included in our Veterans' Day slideshow. Please submit by November 1st. https://forms.gle/xDFN1ftWFGMTxfYv8

PK- 5th grade students can get a McHi Future Ballers membership for $25. Scan the QR code to join! Los estudiantes de PK-5to grado pueden obtener una membresĆa a McHi Future Ballers por $25. Ā”Escanea el cĆ³digo QR para unirte!

Last week we celebrated National School Lunch Week. We are thankful to our Child Nutrition staff for providing balanced meals every day. Ā”Celebramos la Semana Nacional del Almuerzo Escolar la semana pasada! Agradecemos a nuestro personal de NutriciĆ³n Infantil. @McAllenISD

We're grateful to all of the amazing presenters who came to Career Day today for inspiring our Pioneers. Ā”Queremos agradecer a todos los increĆbles presentadores que vinieron hoy al DĆa de la Carrera! @mcallenisdcte

Dr. Pablo Perez Elementary had superheroes raising awareness for Dyslexia today! Thank you for your participation. Ā”La Primaria Dr. Pablo PĆ©rez tuvo superhĆ©roes creando conciencia sobre la dislexia hoy! #GoRedForDyslexia

Our Pioneers kicked off College Week by showing their commitment to college and wearing a college shirt! @McAllenISD #GreatnessStartsHere #PioneerPride

It's that time of year again...BOOK FAIR TIME! Mark your calendars for October 26 thru November 4 to join Perez Library at the Scholastic Book Fair. All proceeds go back to our wonderful students. See you at the Book Fair!

Next week is College Week! Join us as we inspire others to reach their goals! #MISDCollegeWeek
Ā”La prĆ³xima semana es la Semana Universitaria! Ā”Ćnase a nosotros mientras mostramos nuestro apoyo a los colegios y universidades locales e inspiramos a otros a alcanzar sus metas!

We have been wearing red on Tuesdays to spread awareness about Dyslexia. Wear your superhero attire next Tuesday, October 17th! Nos hemos vestido de rojo los martes para concienciar sobre la dislexia. Ā”No olvides lucir tu atuendo de superhĆ©roe el prĆ³ximo martes 17 de octubre!

Our HOPE club volunteers did an excellent job on patrol this morning! We are thrilled to see our Pioneers showing empathy for others and taking action in our school community! Ā”Nuestros voluntarios del club HOPE hicieron un excelente trabajo patrullando esta maƱana!#PioneerPride

Let's show our McHi vertical team pride at the McHi vs. La Joya Palmview football game on Friday, October 20th! Ā”Mostremos nuestro orgullo por el equipo vertical McHi en el partido de fĆŗtbol americano McHi vs. La Joya Palmview el viernes 20 de octubre!